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Some Samples of Instructional Tools and  Development 

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🔎 Dr. Lianie Jean publishing articles list. This list was generated to inspire scholarly research and is subject to peer review. Please request permission to use these articles. (2023). GEOTECH PUBLISHING HOUSE . All rights reserved.

Status Articles | Name, Date, Title & Publisher
Jean, L. (2020). A Case Study of Young Educators Believe in Professional Retention Create Autonomy and Career Success. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2019). A Comparative Analysis of Educators in Higher Education. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). A Comparison Analysis Pattern of Responsibilities of Higher Education Leaders. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). A Conceptual Framework for Managerial Role in Private Education. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). A Longitudinal Study of Coding Processes. Differentiating Pattern of Word Concepts, Encoding and Decoding and Adolescence Cognitive Processes. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). An Analysis of the Natural Intelligence Child. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). An Analysis of Educators in k12 Responsibilities. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). An Analysis Pattern of the Role Educators in K12. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). Educational Consulting Utilization of Mobile Technology and Education K-12. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). How Financial Reports Compel Professional Longevity and Development of a Dual Careerist. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). Institutional and Effectiveness of School Reinforcement Success. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). Management of Pre-academic Development Skills in Children with Abnormal Traits. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). Measurements of Celebrating Organizational Success. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). Methodological and Conceptual Elements in the Learning Styles of Children with Special Needs.
GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). Multiculturalism Education Ethics V. Social Stream Processes in Early Childhood Education. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). Organizational Method of Internal Stakeholders Practices in Private Education. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2022). Pre-academic Development Skills in Early Childhood. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2019). Private Organizational Structure of Problem Solving Method of Stakeholders. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). Principle of Instructional Engagement of External Stakeholders in Education. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). Principle of Organizational Culture. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). Principles of Stakeholders Engagement in Early Childhood Education. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). Psychoanalysis Practices. The Effect of Social Stream on the Performance of Social Deviant behavior. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). Psychological Theorists Influenced in Higher Education. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). Relationship Building Process of Micro-management of Faculty. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). Satisfactory Criteria of Financial Management in Education. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). Satisfactory Criteria of Organizational Financial Management. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2019). Social Elements of Collaboration V. Motivational Qualities. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). Some Qualities of Organizational Plan and Performance Outcome. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). Strategic Planning and Demonstrating Qualities of an Organization. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021) Teaching Practices and Helping Early Childhood Learners Reach Mastery Cognitive Skills. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). The Dynamics of Psychological Theorists Influenced in Education. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). The Effectiveness of Leadership Hierarchy Processes by Micromanagement of Faculty. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). The Implication of Organizational Culture and Economic Plans. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). The Intensity Beliefs of Academic Success for Young Adults. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). The Leadership Hierarchy Process of Micro-managing Faculty in Solving Problems. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). The Preliminary Instructional Task for Staff Development. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. The Process of Micro-managing Internal Relationships Effectively. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). The Range of Beliefs Elements of Academic Success. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). The Restructure of an Organization. How Privatization in Education Creates Career Readiness for a Competitive Global Job Market: New York: GeoTech University. Press
GeoTech Publishing House
of New York
(516) 688-4330 📱📧
Publication Type: Journal Articles
Reports - Evaluative
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Teachers; Policymakers
Language: English
Sponsor: Educare For Exceptional Children, LLC
Authoring Institution: GeoTech University RC-NY
Contributors: EFECLLC Media Services

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