ProTech Education for All: An Expert Guide Offering Content-Based Technology Education and Skills


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This book, ProTech Education for All: An Expert Guide Offering Content-Based Technology Education and Skills highlighted relevant information for use by students, parents, educators, leaders, and small-business owners. A special dedication to those who have contributed to the content-based as referenced, readers, family members, and friends who have constantly cared about me; may this book be an add-on to the understanding of technology concepts and skills most useful as necessary. Most importantly, thanks to my God.

This book, ProTech Education for All ● An Expert Guide Offering Content-Based Technology Education and Skills, detailed relevant information, in six chapters, as a mean of effective teaching-learning  skills. The author intends to impart understanding of the strategies and techniques.

ProTech Education for All ● An Expert Guide Offering Content-Based Technology Education and Skills is printed in the United States. Copyright © 2010 of GEOTECH PUBLISHING HOUSE. All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. For permission requests, write to the publisher at this email: GPH.US@OUTLOOK.COM 


Printed in the United States of America
First Printing | 9798864478660 ISBN

About the Author

Dr. Lianie Jean is a best-selling author who writes about spiritual books and designs educational tools in alignment with the demands of readers. She can strategically customize consulting services by focusing on closing achievement gaps and preparing students for the global workforce. Her mission, vision, and goals focus on student achievement and success. She has been a dedicated and successful educator, consultant at Educare for Exceptional Children, volunteer, and board member at BioTech Foundation, Inc. Her specialties in education are educational leadership, environmental education, and special education. She strives for excellence and is committed to ongoing growth in understanding teaching methodologies and efficient practices. In spiritual books, she demonstrates God's power to engage readers. In educational books, she provides information pertinent to topics related to strategic approaches to teaching. In this book, she highlights the essential aspects of the usefulness of technology education. She designed the book to provide survival instructional tips and tools for the teaching and learning of technology.

Author's Acknowledgement 

I am grateful for all that God has given me and for his unfailing love. His power is manifested through what is imparted in this book. My sincere appreciation for my caring sister, Dr. Monalisa, who's a role model in my life The cultural values my family and friends imparted are priceless. GeoTech University has an impeccable teaching approach to successfully raising scholars, which has made a difference to me as a student.

Table of Contents 


About the Author 

Author Acknowledgement  
Introduction: Principles, Applications and Assessments of Technology
1.1 Introduction to Basic Hardware  
1.2 Basic Software and Applications
1.3 Understanding the Benefits of Using Beginner's Techniques 
1.4 Sample of Review of the Kindle App

     CHAPTER 2 
Getting Started Online: Functionality and User Friendly Platforms
2.1 Understanding Functionality of Devices  
2.2 Intermediate Approach to Tech-Friendly Devices
2.3 Getting Started Online: Proficiency in Basic Use of Technology 

Technology Resources: Models for Hybrid Learning  
3.1 The Need of Assessment for Tech-Friendly Schools
3.2 Advanced Use of Technology in Professional Settings 
3.3 Setting up Shared Projects in Schools


The Role of Stakeholders in K-12 Educational Technology: Educational Leaders, Teachers, Parents and Students 
4.1 Educational Leadership Enabling Innovation and Digital Transformation in K-12
4.2 Teachers' Role in K-12 Technology Curriculum
4.3 Students' Learning Engagement in K-12 Educational Technology
4.4 Parents as Partners in K-12 Educational Technology

Emerging Technology: Global Perspectives and Implications in Higher Education 
5.1 The Emergence of Technology in Higher Education   
5.2 Global Perspectives and Technology 
5.3 The Future Implications of Technology and Society 
5.4 Opportunities and Online Services

Institutional Effectiveness: Research and Recommendations on Education Technology
6.1 Implementing Effective Institutional Management Systems 
6.2 Technology for Entrepreneurs and Businesses
6.3 Research and Recommendations on the Use of Education Technology 

Reference list 

Back of the Book

ProTech Education for All: An Expert Guide Offering Content-Based Technology Education and Skills

ProTech Education for All, used as a reference guide, provides learning tools and knowledge to prepare learners interested in acquiring knowledge and professional skills in technology. It is insightful for educators teaching grades K–12 to stay abreast of or advance with trends and facilitate adequate understanding and techniques. The compilation of information is widely used by experts, and up-to-date reviewing of the content is done prior to teaching, coaching, or training learners. It is highly recommended to impart the information more effectively and more engagingly. Particularly, students with special needs may grasp and become task-oriented with minimal assistance. It is ideal for independent learners to initiate skills and develop techniques necessary to achieve tasks and goals. Hence, the content is designed for professional choices, teacher-friendly organizational efficiency, and performance in technology.

ISBN | 9798864478660
U.S Price | $25.00

🔎 Dr. Lianie Jean publishing articles list. This list was generated to inspire scholarly research and is subject to peer review. Please request permission to use these articles. (2023). GEOTECH PUBLISHING HOUSE . All rights reserved.

Status Articles | Name, Date, Title & Publisher
Jean, L. (2020). A Case Study of Young Educators Believe in Professional Retention Create Autonomy and Career Success. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2019). A Comparative Analysis of Educators in Higher Education. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). A Comparison Analysis Pattern of Responsibilities of Higher Education Leaders. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). A Conceptual Framework for Managerial Role in Private Education. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). A Longitudinal Study of Coding Processes. Differentiating Pattern of Word Concepts, Encoding and Decoding and Adolescence Cognitive Processes. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). An Analysis of the Natural Intelligence Child. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). An Analysis of Educators in k12 Responsibilities. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). An Analysis Pattern of the Role Educators in K12. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). Educational Consulting Utilization of Mobile Technology and Education K-12. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). How Financial Reports Compel Professional Longevity and Development of a Dual Careerist. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). Institutional and Effectiveness of School Reinforcement Success. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). Management of Pre-academic Development Skills in Children with Abnormal Traits. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). Measurements of Celebrating Organizational Success. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). Methodological and Conceptual Elements in the Learning Styles of Children with Special Needs.
GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). Multiculturalism Education Ethics V. Social Stream Processes in Early Childhood Education. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). Organizational Method of Internal Stakeholders Practices in Private Education. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2022). Pre-academic Development Skills in Early Childhood. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2019). Private Organizational Structure of Problem Solving Method of Stakeholders. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). Principle of Instructional Engagement of External Stakeholders in Education. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). Principle of Organizational Culture. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). Principles of Stakeholders Engagement in Early Childhood Education. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). Psychoanalysis Practices. The Effect of Social Stream on the Performance of Social Deviant behavior. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). Psychological Theorists Influenced in Higher Education. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). Relationship Building Process of Micro-management of Faculty. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). Satisfactory Criteria of Financial Management in Education. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). Satisfactory Criteria of Organizational Financial Management. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2019). Social Elements of Collaboration V. Motivational Qualities. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). Some Qualities of Organizational Plan and Performance Outcome. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). Strategic Planning and Demonstrating Qualities of an Organization. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021) Teaching Practices and Helping Early Childhood Learners Reach Mastery Cognitive Skills. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). The Dynamics of Psychological Theorists Influenced in Education. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). The Effectiveness of Leadership Hierarchy Processes by Micromanagement of Faculty. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). The Implication of Organizational Culture and Economic Plans. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). The Intensity Beliefs of Academic Success for Young Adults. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). The Leadership Hierarchy Process of Micro-managing Faculty in Solving Problems. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). The Preliminary Instructional Task for Staff Development. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. The Process of Micro-managing Internal Relationships Effectively. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2020). The Range of Beliefs Elements of Academic Success. GeoTech Publishing House-New York (GPH).
Jean, L. (2021). The Restructure of an Organization. How Privatization in Education Creates Career Readiness for a Competitive Global Job Market: New York: GeoTech University. Press
GeoTech Publishing House
of New York
(516) 688-4330 📱📧
Publication Type: Journal Articles
Reports - Evaluative
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Teachers; Policymakers
Language: English
Sponsor: Educare For Exceptional Children, LLC
Authoring Institution: GeoTech University RC-NY
Contributors: EFECLLC Media Services

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